Illustrating its allure across markets the Steady was called in by the editors of Field & Stream for inclusion in their recurring Field Test column. A four-month crucible designed to judge a product's versatility, dependability and ultility, this F&S Field Test pitted four avid hunters against some of the best names in the multi-tool market.
We're happy to report that the Steady held its own with marks for a "small but useful selection of tools" and its ease in carrying. Tester Jeremy Stephens, a hunter from Missouri who logs 100 days in the field a year, was quoted as saying "it fit in my pocket nicely and was the tool I used most".
While the Steady is geared more toward the traditional outdoor set - hikers, backpackers, etc and was on the light end of the spectrum here - it's nice to see the tool cross over as consumers are the one's who will really decide how they use our gear. And well - as long as they're carrying a Gerber that's A-OK with us.